Verb-third and the polyoccupation of the initial slot in verb-second languages – insights from Germanic and beyond
16-17 Feb 2023 Paris (France)



Opening (9:00-9:20)

1. Resumptive and adverbial V3

Liliane Haegeman (Gand) & Karen De Clercq (CNRS) : A Flemish ‘crack in the bottleneck’ (9:20-10:00)

Christine Meklenborg Nilsen (Oslo) : Origins of Swedish resumption (10:00-10:40)

Coffee break

2. Topic - Adv- V patterns in High German

Barthe Bloom (Potsdam) : Cohesion and/or disruption? The discourse functions of Early New High German [adverbial + so] (11:00-11:40)

Pierre-Yves Modicom (Lyon) : Topic Change and (apparent) verb-third in Present-Day High German (11:40-12:20)

Lunch (buffet)

3. Embedded V2 vs. V3 in Scandinavian

Line Dalberg (Copenhague) : A functional explanation of the change from V2 to V3 in Danish subordinate clauses (14:00-14:40)

Helene R. Jensberg, M. Anderssen, T. Lohndal, B. Lundquist & M. Westergaard (Tromso) : Embedded V2 in American Norwegian (14:40-15:20)

Coffee break

4. Breaking the bottleneck ?

Nicholas Catasso (Wuppertal) : NO cracks in the bottleneck! On the derivation of linear non-V2 in German (15:30-16:10)

Espen Johan Klævik-Pettersen (Agder) : Deriving V2 and V3 without bottlenecks : Evidence from Modern Germanic and Old Romance (16:10-16:50)

Stefan Müller (Berlin) : Competing accounts of V3 (17:00-17:45)



Beginning of day 2 (10:00)

5. The diachrony of V3 in West Germanic

Thérèse Robin (Créteil) & Elise Louviot (Reims) : Verb-third with initial þa /thô in Old English, Old Saxon and Old High German verse (10:15-11:00)

Ans van Kemenade (Rutgen) : V2 and V3 with nominal subjects in Old and Middle English (11:00-11:45)

Augustin Speyer (Sarrebruck) : Verb-third in German – a diachronic perspective (11:45-12:30)


6. V2 vs. V3 in Germanic-Romance contact varieties

Luca Riccardelli (Rome) : V2 and V3 in Rhaetoromance varieties: Rethinking language contact (14:30-15:15)

Ermenegildo Bidese (Trente) & Alessandra Tomaselli (Vérone) : The loss of linear V2 and the gradual dismantling of the bottleneck effect in the history of Cimbrian (15:15-16:00)

Romano Madaro (Trente) : More than one ways to crack the bottleneck across the Alps : New evidence from Tischlbongarisch (16:00-16:45)

Final discussion


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